To break soul-ties

Go down the following list breaking and casting out any power that has created a soul tie to you, purging out any material left to maintain the tie, closing out any opening or connection point, and sealing out the area with the Blood of Jesus to prevent reattachment and infiltration.







Every place that trauma occurred

Every person that committed the trauma

against me

Every person I have traumatized

Every bad thing I have said or heard that

maybe replaying in my mind

Any traumatic events that I have



I break any incorrect operation or

ungodly soul tie to loved ones, friends,


Any Current Trauma ( as listed above)

Any familiar Spirit

Any Witch, Wizard, Satanist, or Sorcerer

who uses soul ties to launch evil attacks

(common in Voodoo and related


Anything, Anywhere, or Anyone that is

revealed to you by the Holy Ghost.

I suggest praying over anointing oil and anointing all of these areas. Pray that God will keep a spiritual fire burning so that they will not be able to attach to you or loiter around you.

I am not trying to make you paranoid, but people who practice this sort of wickedness will make sure they “run into you” at different places. If you run into someone and you cannot get them off your mind, pray. It could be the Holy Spirit nudging you to pray for the person, or it could be an attempt by a harmful person or the controller of a harmful person to create a soul tie.


Break soul ties, attachments, hooks, and links, and block entry to all psychic entry points. Renounce and repent of Yoga and any other idolatrous religion that opened the door to evil spirits.

Pray This Way

I bind every spirit that entered in and cast you into the abyss. I recover of my authority and any energy, glory, virtues, stars, and destiny stolen by attacking the seven psychic entry points. I take spiritual hyssop and purge myself of any contaminating material that was left through the attack. Now I close these points. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Take time to pray over each point and pray to shut those points. Anoint each point with anointing oil as a physical stand-in for the blood of Jesus. In the event of severe attacks, continue this exercise until you feel a release.

Soul-Ties to Dedicated Items

This is the same prayer listed in the altars section of this manual.

I break all soul ties to any pictures, clothes, shoes, hair, nails, information, or anything else being used to invoke, summon, attack, attach, or send any evil my way or in the way of my loved ones. I urge all contaminating materials and cast out any spirit that entered into me through this soul-tie. I seal the ends of this tie and cut any evil communication lines formed by this soul tie. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Now recite this scripture:

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

*Therefore you are free from any soul ties.