Oxford defines a curse as “a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. It’s not hard to issue a curse. In fact, it’s easier than ordering a sandwich. Two components make curses have power.

  1. Cause (Proverbs 26:2)

  2. Authority or Position to Assign a Curse (Judges 5:23)

For example, Joshua cursed Jericho with acidic curses. He did this as a representative of the Lord. The sins of Jericho were the landing rights of the curse.

The fallen nature of man makes it easy enough to extract cause and authority to have a curse “land.,” Typically, when the Kingdom of Darkness issues curses there is some level of monitoring that happens to discover a cause and establish positioning. It can be soul-ties, points of contact, or fleshly tendencies. These all can be manipulated to bring a curse.

This is how a person you are not related to can take a picture and issue curses against you. They create soul-ties using any way that they can. This is why there was such an extensive binding breaking and casting out section.

God can also issue curses. This is a situation you must avoid at all costs. God is clear with his word. He gives us a path for redemption, but the wage of sin is death. We just have a way to be removed from this state. There is a couple of sayings that I love. The Bible reach day keeps the sin away is a cute little reminder. The other one is a dusty Bible is a Dusty life.

Self-imposed curses should also be avoided at all costs. Negative emotion can be hidden in all manners until a person speaks. Negative thinking refuses to be hidden. It will expose itself by speech every time. Many of us simply need to be reprogrammed. It was Earl Nightingale who challenged us to think differently for thirty days. This 30-day challenge idea will immediately expose stinking thinking when it becomes the focus. When discussing self-imposed curses, understand that what you say is merely the expression of what you think.

No matter what the source, we do not want to walk around and leave curses unaddressed. If God is the source of the curse, repent. The Bible says that he is faithful and just to forgive you of all unrighteousness. If it is self, -imposed curses, go through the renunciations and spirits to bind, break, and cast out chapters. Take authority over your mind and resist those spirits.

If the curses are originating from the Kingdom of Darkness

Break the curse

  • Read the Bind, Break, and Cast Out Section

  • Pray the following prayer

Father, I repent of every sin that I have committed. Please cleanse, deliver and restore me. I plead the blood of Jesus over every aspect of my flesh. Now Father reveals to me if there is any cause for this curse to land, that I may repent.

Now I break every curse binding any demon to me. I break all curses hexes, vexes, jinxes, spells, wishing well inside of a radionics machine, Santeria, Brujeria, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Juju, Rootwork, potions, brews, mixes, charms, incantations, chanting, incense, candles, astral attacks, psychic attacks, hypnotic attacks, attacks of the spinning wheels of yoga, all mind control, any Charismatic and Pentecostal witchcraft, soulish prayers, prayers to Satan, Baphomet or any other fallen angel, prayers to dead people including ancestors and dead Catholic saints. Any other grey, black, red, white, yellow, or red magic. I break these things. I return the evil effects to the sender and those they work for and answer sevenfold.

Curses From Secret Societies and Covens

Additional Curses to break (Taken from Overcoming The False Verdicts of Freemasonry

Witchcraft Oaths & Curses Resulting In • Melancholy • Oppression • Being in a psychotic state • Ungodly ties to others in the family line with the same problems • Curses involving Nebuchadnezzar • Insanity • Senility • Dementia • Disorientation • Loss of memory • Emotional breakdown • Spiritual breakdown • Nervous breakdown • Physical breakdown • Being committed into a psychiatric hospital or asylum • Curse of obsessive-compulsive, repetitive behavior • Curse of all religious, spiritual, doctrinal obsessions • Curses of suicide, death wishes, and mental instability • Curses of insecurity and co-dependency due to abandonment by the father because of Freemasonry

Having a double-soul • Double-mindedness • Bipolar • Spiritual confusion • Mental confusion • Curses disabling comprehension • Curses affecting your ability to articulate what you feel • Curses on verbal faculties • Ability to hear spiritually • Ability to hear physically • Curse of having two fathers or masters confusing identity • Identity confusion • Gender identity issues • Paranoid schizophrenia. Curses over Employment and Personal Relationships: • Losing favor in any area • Rejection coming from Freemasonry favoritism Exile from home, family, job, and country • Humiliation because of oaths and rituals • Takeover spirits in employment, finances, and position in the Church • Pain and humiliation of loss. • Curse of nakedness • Curse of vulnerability • Curse of exposure • Curse of “no covering” Curses Over Your Marriage[61] • Seduction • Lust • Uncleanness • A shutdown in your relationship with your spouse • Wall of silence in the intimacy of marriage • Destruction of the marriage • Death of the marriage •Insanity into the marriage,(Horner, 2017)

Now I confess that I am free. Praise the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Curses are designed to introduce you to contracts, which bring a person under evil binding covenants. For example, a satanist may place a “love spell” on someone to make them fornicate and enter into a covenant. This covenant gives the demon the legal right to oppress a person. You have to break the Curses, break every Contracts and Covenant. Destroy all of their legal rights and cast them out

I bind and break every self-imposed curse and agreement I unwittingly made with the Kingdom of Darkness. I release every evil spirit that entered into my life, body, or soul as a result of self-imposed curses or erroneous confessions.


Now you spirits that entered in through negative confession, self-imposed curses, words spoken in anger, frustration, fear, or any related entry point, any legal grounds were broken by Colossians 2:14, therefore you must come out in the name of Jesus.

I break and bind all spirits that entered in through personalities issuing these curses against me and my family. As I break these curses, I destroy their legal right to operate. I also break every contract and covenant that was introduced into my life as a result of these curses. The curses include those made through:


Word Curses, Voodoo Curses, ( Voodoo of all types- electronic, physical, spiritual) Santeria Curses, Incantation, Chanting, Hoodoo, JuJu, Obeah, Brujeria, Evil Imagination, Radionics, Psychotronic, and Psionic attacks, Witchcraft Torture, Crystals, Footwork, Dirt/Dust Manipulation, Candles and Incense, Charms, Fetishes, Evil Pillows, Evil Arm Bands, Evil Waistbands, Bewitched food, Faux Soul Ties, Demons Bound To Remain By A Curse


Household Witchcraft (family members), Neighborhood Witchcraft, Local Witchcraft, International Witchcraft, Cyber Witchcraft, Subliminal Witchcraft, Druid Witchcraft, Kabbalah Witchcraft, Shaman, Witch-Doctor, Wizards, Herbalist, Sangoma, Wicca Witch, Brujeria, Occult, Church of Satan, Witchcraft from- brotherhood, sisterhood, Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Demolay, Shriner, New World Order, Illuminati, Sorority or Fraternities, Gangs, Levitation Evil Eye, Satanic Manic, Sex Magic, Sex Alchemy, Perversion, Death, Infirmity, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Satanic Ritual Consumption, Werewolf, Vampire, Luciferian, Satanist, Church of Satan, Potions, Sorcery, Intimidation, Occult Rituals, Witchcraft Burial, Funeral Ritual, Marriage Ritual, Lying, Cursing, Scapegoating, Daggers, Marriage to Satan, Spiritual Marriage to Witch, Wizard, Satanist or Sorcerer, Sex Magic, Spinning wheels of yoga, Soulish Prayers, Charismatic and/or Pentecostal Witchcraft.

Psychic Witchcraft

Psychic Chains, Psychic Thoughts, Psychic Warfare, Mind-to-Mind Communication, Telepathic Communication, Psychic Suggestion, Psychic Stalking, Projections into the dream, Thought Implantation, Telekinesis, Backmasked Suggestions, Inaudible Sound Manipulation, Sound Wave Attack, Psychic Commands, Subliminal Commands, Manipulation of the Subconscious Mind, Psychic Imagery, Remote Viewing

Astral Projection

Astral Rituals, Astral Sex, Projections into Animals, Insects, and even Inanimate Objects, Holographic, Channeling, Walk-in, Human Spirit Occupation of Someone Else, Attacks from the Astral Grid, Teleportation, Walk-through Walls


Mind Control, Brainwashing, Hypnotism, Enchantment, Handling, Mind Control Programming, Satanic Ritual Conditioning, Sadistic Traumatization, Emotional Conditioning, Behavioral Modification, Drugging, Mind-Bending, Mind-Binding, Mind-Melding, Hive Mind, Group Think, Demonic Suggestions, Electronic Signals, Predictive Programming, Use of Familiar Spirits to create soul ties and control a person, Fear-based Control, Use of Hat or Head Covering to Control; Intelligence, Wisdom, and Decisions, Charming Speech, Command and Control, Spells, Psychic Commands Any other Bewitchment, Trauma-based Mind Control, Wernicke’s Commands, Remote Control

Automated/Reset Witchcraft

Automatic Failure Mechanism, Reengagement of Bondage, Reset and Reengagement of Spells, Bewitchment, Curses, or Evil Occurrences, Dispatched Monitoring Spirits (familiar spirits) to “Make Sure” the bondage remains. Failure at the edge of Breakthrough(familiar spirits)

Nuclear Blessings

Establish Authority

I clothe myself in the blood of Jesus. I am a blood-bought spirit-filled Christian. (1 Corinthians 6:15-20) (Acts 2)

I am a King and a Prince. (1 Peter 2:9-10)

My words will come to pass. They are powerful (Proverbs 18:21)


1. I bless myself, my family, my friends, and all of my loved ones, with blessings of:

Long Life (Psalm 92:26)

Prosperity (Psalm 122:7) (Psalm 35:27)

Peace (John 14:27)

Love (John 15:23)

Joy (Psalm 98:6) (Isaiah 29:19)

Friends (Proverbs 28:24)

Knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 1-4)

Salvation (Psalm 92:26)

2. (John 1:12)

I am the righteousness of God.

I am a Child of God

I am more than a conqueror

I am a King

I am a friend of God

I am worth God’s investment

3. I bless my future and the future of my loved ones. (Psalm 37:37)

4. I bless my soul (mind, will, and emotions)

I bless the souls of my loved ones. (Judges 5:21)

5. I bless myself and my loved ones to be soul winners, preachers of the Word of God. (Mark 16:15-16)

6. I bless myself and my loved ones to persistently hunger and thirst after righteousness, so that we may always be filled to the overflow. (Matthew 5:6)

7. I bless my finances to become overflowing vats. I will have the money to become an example of light to others. (Joel 2:24)

8. My light will so shine before men that they will see my light and glorify my father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16-17)

9. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:37-39)

10. I am blessed by God. (Acts 10:15)