
Father in the name of Jesus Christ you said that the name of Jesus gives us exousia (authority) and dunamis (power) to cast out all devils. You evil Familiar Spirits I shine the light of God’s word on you and declare the Bible was clear that I would tread on serpents and scorpions. I take the word of God and impale your vain imaginations and projected thoughts.

You wicked spirits are not ghosts, husbands, wives, or friends to me or anyone in my household. I bind you! You can’t be me, or my loved ones. Get lost! In the name of Jesus Christ.

I come against and command an utter eradication of all summoning of my spirit in my sleep, invoking into or out of my body or home during sleep, astral projection, holographic attacks, evil soul ties, curses, spells, hexes, vexes, jinxes, incense, candle prayers, evil altars and/or shrines, mind control, hypnotism, etc

I command you evil spirits to be turned over to the Spirit of Burning and the Spirit of Destruction for Judgement. For it is written the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.

I send every familiar spirit acting as an incubus or succubus spirit into the spiritual meat grinder and I grid you into the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ.

Familiar Spirits let me and my loved ones go! In the name of Jesus Christ.

I recover myself, my family, my (fill in the blank) from any evil altar or shrine.

Father, I ask that you would show me the areas that I need to adjust in prayer and behavior, to ward off these diabolical attacks. You cannot be me or any of my loved ones.

However the evil familiar spirit entered my life I cast it out and permanently close the entry point so that you will enter in no more. In the name of Jesus Christ. I command the spirit of Shalom to silence the evil peeping and muttering of familiar spirits permanently.

I raise blood bombs and light artillery and bombard familiar spirits' strongholds. Let atmospheric winds whip through the connection lines of familiar spirit communication. Let seaquakes and earthquakes shake them out of my environment.

I bind you evil strongman behind every evil attack. I command you to be covered with the blood of Jesus, while all of your subordinates are bound to you. When you are bound as one, I cast you out into the fiery abyss in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now, pray repeatedly…

Father I, pray that you would send as many angels as necessary to place a blockade and shield around this room, this home, and the area around my home in Jesus’ name. I place blood barriers and shields around this home. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray, Amen.