Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you just knew that things should be different? You could not explain it. You were not being arrogant. You just knew this is not how things were supposed to be. It is quite likely that you have experienced some time manipulation.

When you ask God to shift the matrix you are doing more than shifting the atmosphere around you, you are changing the environment from its source. Therefore if I shift a time matrix, I am shifting time back from the very point of origination, back to God’s original plans and purposes for my life. I have heard this referred to as the quantum matrix. We want to go to the root of evil time-shifting. We are not doing this pictured in regret. You learn from every perceived mistake. This is addressing a wicked shifting of the time and seasons of our lives. This is pure witchcraft as it is” bending” time to suit an agenda. We need to ask the Lord for full restoration! I was introduced to this concept on a website and found it interesting. On this website, they mentioned placing angelic shields as I pray to shift time. I am a firm believer that the children of God should be able to walk in varying heights of miracles, as we are expressly given authority to do so. If it occurs in the earth or the second heavens, we have the keys (authority) over it.

Wikipedia states that “The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos (χρόνος) and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action. While Chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature.”

I pronounce the quantum matrix to be shifted. I shift the paradigm around my life and that of my loved ones. I command that the effects of any evil person who entered to sabotage my life are eliminated in the name of Jesus Christ.

I recover myself from anyone who has scattered, shattered, blocked, hindered, waylayed or frustrated me in the name of Jesus.

Every adversary at any good and effectual door that is open to me, fall down and die, In the name of Jesus Christ.

Any region of captivity where I have been held or my loved ones have been held, I command you to vomit us in the name of Jesus.

Deliver my soul from hell, oh Lord, my darling from the lions.

I will see the glory of God in the land of the living.