The Kingdom of Darkness has four major spirits by which the entire Satanic government. You can cast spirits out by their function. Much as we have the fruits of the Spirit, the entire Kingdom of Darkness embodies these four spirits. These are:





Rules of Engagement

You evil spirits are required to answer by name or identifying information. You will identify yourself, your assignment, and your legal right of access immediately. If you choose not to, then you have chosen to leave by default. Warrior Angels torture these evil spirits into the abyss, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I speak to the Prince Ruling Spirits in all headings. I declare that the sword of the Spirit prevents you, Satan, from gaining an advantage over us due to ignorance of your devices.

I have the exousia and dynamics power to bind and loose in earth and in the heavens. This also includes underground, underwater, and aerial locations.

You evil spirits will not leave with a dramatic display. When I cast you out you will leave quickly, in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are not named, you will bind to the closest strongman and exit with that strongman in the name of Jesus Christ.

When I bind you, you are instructed to come out. All Spirits in the cluster are required to bind themselves to the strongman.

Binding and Loosing


Torment Bondage Terror Horror Worry Unbelief

  • Torment

  • Torture

  • Harassment

  • Foreboding

  • Insanity

  • Weakness of Heart

  • Hatred

  • Bondage

  • Isolation

  • Loneliness

  • Stagnancy

  • Arrested Development

  • Frozen in time

  • Terror

  • Violence

  • Avoidance

  • Harassment

  • Horror

  • Unknown

  • Mystery

  • Shadows

  • Hell

  • Worry

  • Stress

  • Running thoughts

  • Circular Problems

  • Fretting

  • Insomnia/Oversleep

  • Sinking

  • Forgetfulness

  • Witchcraft

  • Manipulation

  • Withholding

  • Blocking

  • Control

  • Witchcraft Practitioner

  • Witch, Warlock, Wizard, Satanist, Sorcerer, Witch Doctor, Priest/Priestess, Occult, Psychic, Necromancer, Stargazer, Observer of Times, Jezebel Spirit, Marine Witchcraft, Python, Leviathan

  • Unbelief

  • Doubt

  • Insecurity

  • Hatred

  • Disbelief

  • Jealousy

  • Mentacide

  • Affright

  • Panic

  • Terror

  • Alarm

  • Consternation

  • Dismay

  • Apprehension

  • Dread

  • Chill

  • Frisson

  • Quiver

  • Shiver

  • Shudder

  • Creeps

  • Hysteria

  • Intimidation

  • Panic

  • Timidity


  • Anger

  • Rage Wrath Foolishness

  • Rage

  • Explosive Display

  • Tantrum/Rant

  • Fighting/Violence

  • Temper Loss

  • Wrath

  • Seething Anger

  • Resentment

  • Murder

  • War

  • Indignation

  • Foolishness (Motto be confused with lack of wisdom)

  • Snap Decision

  • Holding Malice

  • Annoyance

  • Chafe

  • Vexation

  • Bad temper

  • Ill temper

  • Dander

  • Hackles

  • Enragement

  • Infuriation

  • Fury

  • Madness

  • Rage

  • Huffiness

  • Indignation

  • Outrage

  • Offense

  • Umbrage


  • Frustration

  • Death Slumber Lack of fulfillment

  • Death

  • Lack of Vision

  • Buried Talents

  • Unfulfilled Gifts

  • Waste

  • Ignorance

  • Slumber

  • Procrastination

  • Poverty

  • Unpreparedness

  • Lack of fulfillment

  • Backwardness

  • Sabotage

  • Exasperation

  • Provocation

  • Rebellion

  • Satan and the fallen angels

  • Serpentine Knowledge

  • Antichrist spirit

  • Anarchy

  • Pride

  • Foiling

  • Thwarting

  • Hindrance

  • Interferon

  • Baffle

  • Bilk

  • Foil

  • Frustrate

  • Queer

  • Scotch

  • Spoil

  • Thwart

Some manifestations may originate from multiple categories. For example, physical ailments can come from multiple headings. This is simply a starting point. The Holy Spirit will give additional items to loose.

Break Agreement

I break any type of agreement with, and renounce any cooperation with the following spirits. When you hear your name, it is an official command you to GO in the name of Jesus.

Binding and Loosing(bind the subordinates to the strongman and cast them all out.)

Following Names



Synthetic Entity

Artificial Intelligence


Remote Viewer

Wernicke’s Commands


Demonic Concentration

Human Concentration


Radionics, Psychotronics, and Psionics


Binding by Function

Spirits of freeze, frozen, or icing

Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria

Demonic Personalities

Evil Soul of: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncles, Cousins, Ex-Spouses, Ex-Lovers, Friends, Ex-Friends, Bosses, Landlords, Anyone with whom you have an official tie, Anyone else the Holy Spirit brings to mind. (taken from Warfare Prayers

Spirits to Loose

Spirits of Power

  • Spirit of Understanding

  • Spirit of Wisdom

  • Spirit of Fear of the Lord

  • Spirit of Wisdom

  • Spirit of Understanding

  • Spirit of Humility

  • Spirit of Good Success

  • Spirit of an Expected End

  • Spirit of Prosperity

  • New or Refilling of the Holy Spirit

Spirits of Love

  • Spirit of Hope

  • Spirit of Kindness

  • Spirit of Faithfulness

  • Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

  • Spirit of Joy

  • Garment of Praise

  • Spirit of Charity

  • Spirit of Understanding

Spirits of a Sound Mind

  • Spirit of Perfect Peace

  • Spirit of Peace

  • Spirit of Focus

  • Spirit of Self-control

  • Spirit of Gentleness

  • Spirit of Perfect Peace